WMZQ Fest 2008
Ok, I went back through my old posts and found that I had uploaded these pictures, but never posted them. This event happened at the end of May. Ha ha.
Following tradition, Aaron's mom, me and a friend of ours, April, went to the WMZQ fest. It's an all day concert that a local radio station hosts. We had a blast--just like the other years that I have gone. It was nice to be away from the boys and be human for the day and to just hang out and have fun.
Deb and me
Getting a dolphin painted on my arm.
April and Deb
Getting an autograph from Tracy Byrd
Zac Brown Band--they're sort of a "new and upcoming" band. They were pretty good. Since then I have heard a couple of their songs on the radio.

Tracy Byrd

Sugarland. They both got into these giant, plastic balls and ran around on top of the crowd. Pretty crazy!

Phil Vasser

Good times! I came across this blog searching when Zac Brown Band was at the WMZQfest. Hope all is well.
10:41 AM EST
Good times! I came across this blog searching when Zac Brown Band was at the WMZQfest. Hope all is well.
10:42 AM EST
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