Remembering the day when the world changed

I'd like to thank Emily for her insight on the 9/11 attacks and the recommendation to see the new twin towers movie. It was a reminder of what I was doing that day.
It started out a bad day. I woke up late and had to go to work. When I went out to my work truck, I found that it wouldn't start. I called my best friend, Rebecca, to ask her to come help jump my car. She asked me if I had heard anything that happened. I told her no. She said something about an airplane running into the WTC, but didn't have too many details. After I got the truck started, I contacted my work on the 2-way radio. The dispatcher told me about how terrorists ran into the towers. I remember my whole body going numb.
As I rode around town making my deliveries, it was almost eerie. The look in peoples eyes were so mournful. I was able to listen to the radio during my shift and that is all the DJ's talked about. It was hard to keep a dry eye. I saw signs posted all around town showing their support for the families.
Back then I felt worlds away from NYC and Washington DC, but I felt the pain of those who lost their loved ones. Now I live near DC. This happened in the back yard of my in-laws. They were so close. And although I know there were many people who lost their friends and families, I thank God that none of my husband's family was harmed.
I hope we can all appreciate and remember the great loss of our country. My heart is torn to see the once again division of the members of the United States because of this war on terrorism. Do you remember how united this country was? I wish we could go back to the way it was for that short time. I know that President George Bush has gotten alot of bad feedback for what he is doing now. But, I'm greatful for the support and dedication he gave right after that tragedy.
"We will not waver; We will not tire; We will not falter; We will not fail. Peace and freedom with prevail."
--President George W. Bush September 2001
And to that I add God Bless America!
I love my husband, my child and my family (in Utah and on the East Coast) and thank God each day that they are all with me.
Amen :)
10:28 AM EST
I couldn't have said it better.
I remember where I was, sitting at my computer, seeing and listening and not believing it all.
Wondering if any of my husbands family were hurt. Found out later that Uncle Bills daughter had gone to towers area for a job interview. She was okay.
Driving around afterward seeing the signs the patriot displays. People were bonding together, it was awesome. Something wonderful out of a horrible situation. Stories about the firemen, police and all the rescuers, their unselfish caring for others.
I will always remember what I was doing the day when the word changed as I remember when Kennedy was shot.
11:40 AM EST
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