Horrible Mom

Ok, I finally did it. I did something I swore I would never do. All moms do it once to atleast one of their children. But, I was going to be the exception. I dropped Colton. That's right, I'm an idiot. Here's how it happened:
I got Colton in his carseat, which was up on the couch, so I could go get Aaron from work. The phone rang. Something told me that I should just let the answering machine get it. Nope, didn't listen to that thought. The phone was upstairs, so I left Colton in the carseat, ontop of the couch, and not buckled in yet and ran upstairs to get the phone. When I answered the phone I heard a thump and instant crying. I said, "oh, my gosh," and Anne who was the one on the phone asked, "What, did he fall? I'll let you go." While this conversation was going on, I had run down stairs and saw Colton lying face down on the floor with the car seat on top of him.
I felt so horrible. I don't know how I could have let my little baby do that. I held him for a bit until he stopped crying. And of course, all was well. It probably scared him more than it hurt him.
YAY! Welcome to mommyhood! Here is your giftbasket of stress tabs, caffinated beverages and bandaids. ;)
Hey at least Colton is as old as he is. Let's see..Dropped Gavin when he was a mere 2 months (rolled off the couch). I WAS EVEN IN THE ROOM!
Have yet to drop sophia..I feel the time is near.............
I'm sorry, I totally know the fear and pain when it happens and I'm sorry. At least they don't remember this age..that's what I tell myself whenever I do something bad LOL
4:35 PM EST
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm sure every mommy thinks she's going to be the "perfect" mom and nothing is going to ever happen to her kids.
5:26 PM EST
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