Loomin' Like Crazy

Over the past week or so I've been using those round knitting looms. I love them! I've been borrowing them from my friend, Anne. Now, I'm so hooked (no pun intended), I need to go buy me a set. I even got Aaron interested in using them. He helped me with a Christmas present and he even a knitted a took (beanie--for you non-canadians) for himself. Even if you're not good at knitting (which I am (k)not--tee hee), this product makes it so easy (Wow! I could do a commercial!). Anyway, I'll try to post some pictures of some of the projects I worked on.
They are additive and lots of fun. I was suppose to email a pattern but I forgot what I was suppose to send.
Glad that Aaron has gotten into the swing of things.
11:56 PM EST
That's ok. I can't remember what it was either. It might have been a scarf, but I found one online. :)
3:49 PM EST
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