Utah Trip '07
Colton on the airplane. For the most part he did well, but he was very squirmy. Inspite of mommy and daddy's wishes, he only slept for 45 minutes on the plane. We even took a portable DVD player with Go, Diego, Go movies, but unfortunately, the DVD player did not work. Yikes.
Daddy and Colton getting ready to take off.
Watching the ducks in Becca's backyard.
Colton's grandpa, Aunt Emily, Grandma, Uncle John, and cousins Sophia and Gavin--Vivian Park, Provo Canyon.
Sophia loved to sit on my lap or have me hold her--even though she had never met me before. Colton kind of got a little jealous, to say the least. Here they are fighting for a spot on my lap.

Big ol' cheesy grin at Wal-mart
Look at those gorgeous mountains in the background.
Colton's new thing, when he's riding in the car, is to put the blanket on his head like this to help him fall asleep.