WMZQ Fest 2008
Ok, I went back through my old posts and found that I had uploaded these pictures, but never posted them. This event happened at the end of May. Ha ha.
Following tradition, Aaron's mom, me and a friend of ours, April, went to the WMZQ fest. It's an all day concert that a local radio station hosts. We had a blast--just like the other years that I have gone. It was nice to be away from the boys and be human for the day and to just hang out and have fun.
Deb and me
Getting a dolphin painted on my arm.
April and Deb
Getting an autograph from Tracy Byrd
Zac Brown Band--they're sort of a "new and upcoming" band. They were pretty good. Since then I have heard a couple of their songs on the radio.

Tracy Byrd

Sugarland. They both got into these giant, plastic balls and ran around on top of the crowd. Pretty crazy!

Phil Vasser