Just Being Random
Not much has happened this month. "Nothing to shout about," people say. The boys just continue to get bigger.
Aaron is getting excited about his trip to Texas. Jiffy Lube, in conjunction with TX7, an engine additive company, holds a contest each year. Whichever store is the top sellers of the TX7 product wins a trip to the Texas Motor Speedway and gets to drive a NASCAR race car. Needless to say, Aaron is very giddy over this trip. He went last year and had a blast. The only bad part (for me, at least), I have to stay home and fly solo with the two kids for the weekend.
Earlier in the month I went to Twilight party. It was to celebrate the release of the 4th book in the series called Breaking Dawn. We all dressed up in prom dresses (because the main characters went to the prom in Twilight), ate food, and just had a blast. Later, we went to the book store (yes, in our prom dresses), and attended their pre-release party for the book. Now, if you have not heard of the Twilight series, I am very surprised. But for those who have not heard of this book series, they consist of 4 different books featuring the characters, Edward and Bella. Edward is a vampire and Bella is a mortal, who are madly in love with each other. I don't think I have ever done something like dress up and go to a midnight release for anything before. But, I had so much fun, and it was very nice to have a night out. I don't have any pictures yet of me in my prom dress. I have to keep bugging my sister-in-law for them, who took them with her camera.
Colton still continues to act like a two year old. He still just copies what people say. Sometimes you can understand it and other times, you really have no idea what he is saying. His favorite new phrase is "I stuck." I have no idea where he picked it up from, but he says it all the time.
Logan is 4 1/2 months and babbles and giggles continually. He's figured out that he can roll from his stomach to his back. Doesn't like being on his stomach much--he can't look around him as much. He's a very curious little boy. Always has to see what's going on.
It looks like he is distressed in this picture, but he's actually pretending to have a camera infront of his face and he's saying "cheese".

It's hard to see this picutre, but Colt is sitting right in between his cousins while they play video games. He likes to feel like he's one of the "big boys".