Ah, Halloween. What can I say. To say the least, it has been an interesting day. Unfortunately, it began way too early. Like, 5:00 Am or sooner. Logan was having a restless night for some reason and kept moving around and making lots of noise in his crib, which kept waking me up. Aaron's tooth was bothering him, and had been for a while now. He kept tossing and turning, which kept waking me up. Colton kept on coughing, which I could here from his room, and kept waking me up. Finally, about 5:00, after being awake since 4:00 AM and laying in bed, I got up and thought I should catch up on e-mails and wish my friends and family a Happy Halloween.
Around 6:00 AM I went back up to my room hopefully to catch some Z's for about an hour. Didn't get much of that. Before I went back into my room, I checked on Colton and found that he was running a fever. Oh great. He just got over being sick.
The day continues with Aaron going to the dentist and getting his tooth pulled and then having to go back to work. Colton was all right most of the day, as long as I kept medicine in him.
Then comes getting ready for trick-or-treating. Oh, boy. At the last minute I decided to dress up as a enthusiastic Duke Blue Devil's fan. You'll see from the pictures. Logan was dressed up as Tigger. But, he started to get fussy and just wanted me to sit by him. When I tried to put Colton's Elmo costume on him, he freaked out. He wanted anything but to have that on him. As any wonderful mom would do, I kept it on him and still tried to take pictures.
Trick-or-treating sure was a "treat". I say that sarcastically. I don't know if it was him not feeling well, but he didn't want anyone to put candy into his bucket. I usually just took the candy from the people and put it in my bag. Needless to say, we weren't out for very long.
Now we are at home, after picking up Aaron from work (he wasn't able to drive himself because of the pain meds), and just relaxing and finally catching up on my blog.
The pumpkin I carved the Monday before Halloween.

Logan, showing off his Halloween bib
Colton, watching his new favorite show, Arthur
Taking a break from watching TV
Tigger. TTFN
The big bad Duke Blue Devils fan. See the shiner? Got into a fight with a UNC fan. You think I look bad, you should see the other guy. Ha ha.
A very unhappy Elmo
Trying to get a mommy, Elmo shot--not working too well.

He's a little happier now. This is right before we went out trick-or-treating.
Logan and me at Jiffy Lube